sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

·      The student will be able to do the different activities in the order they prefer; however, it is preferable to hand it in in the order stipulated in the Blogquest.
·   The Final Project will have to be handed out, at the latest, on the deadline.
·         The project will be able to be done by two students.
·         All the activities must be named.
·    You will have to take an active part in the blog and share some ideas, opinions, interesting webs or comments at least once during this unit on Henry VIII. Your participation in the blog and in the Final Project will be “assessed” by your team partners.
·         The layout of the Final Project will be the following:
·         Percentages out of the 100% final mark (10) for the Final Project:
ü  Cover (including the names of the students, the year, the date and the name of the project) (5%)
ü  Index (10%)
ü  Activity one: it will consist on writing those events in the correct order. The dates of those events must be included. (10%)
ü  Activity two: it will consist on the typing of the correct answers for the test (5%)
ü  Activity three: it will consist on: the answers to the questions about the video information and your own research of Queen Elisabeth. (20%)
ü  Activity four: it will consist on: completing the Graphic Organizer with schematic format. (10%)
ü  Activity five: it will consist on the reading of different articles and making a summary with titles. Also, you will have to answer some questions about the texts. (20%)
ü  Conclusion and personal opinion (10%)
ü  Bibliography (10%): APA format.

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